- Todo:
- config files... much more here... add documentation for logLevel, monitor, version
A VFS server wants to read an XML config file upon launch to configure its node tree. Examples are provided in the server/configs folder. Environment variables can be set before running the executable, or mentioned as name=value pairs.
Environment variables can be referenced in the config file using @variable@
syntax. Values which are numeric, like port numbers, can use basic math with ECMA scripting. This allows a start port value to be defined and other ports can increment from there.
Several variables are defined for convenience and context:
- This will be the directory of the currently executing config file. This is useful for providing a mechnism like relative paths, so that absolute paths are not so needed.
- the currently executing config file. This is useful because config files can include other config files, so the context is needed.
- the CWD in the VFS. Nodes are created sequentially and are nested. Sometimes a node wants to know its position in the VFS.
- the directory containing the VFS executable
XML tags available in a config file:
- a space to define variables for use in other nodes. This works like a series of shells. Config files included will inherit the current context but when the include is complete, that shell context will be exited.
<include path=[configpath] [name=value ...]/>
- to include other config files. Provide an absolute path or one relative to the current config file. Optionally, name=value pairs of environent variables can be sent to the include context.
- Any nodes provided by VFS_stdlib, or any nodes provided by loaded plugins.
Because it's XML, comments can be embedded as text. Only XML tags are read by the parser. All nodes require a name. Any node can be placed on a different processing thread by adding thread='1'. Nodes will inherit the thread of their parent unless they explicitly opt to create a new one. In unique cases, one may want a VFS_threadpool for child nodes, which can be achieved by setting ‘thread='X’` on a tag, where X is the number of threads to create for the pool.
Any node and its children can be deactivated by setting active='false'.
<VFS version='1.0' logLevel='8'>
//admin email is used for CRITICAL messages
<adminemail type='string' default='admin@domain.com' />
<portstart type='int' default='6200' />
<dataroot type='string' default='@approot@/../data/main' />
//apache default: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
<sslCert type='string' default='../workspace/ssl2/server.crt' />
//apache default: /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
<sslKey type='string' default='../workspace/ssl2/server.key' />
//settingsroot is for the HD node, while settings is an env for applications
<settingsroot type='string' default='@dataroot@/settings' />
<settings type='string' default='settings' />
<hd name='users' path='@dataroot@/users/' thread='1' />
<hd name='settings' path='@settingsroot@' create='1' thread='1' />
<aclnode name='services'>
//cron should always be in its own thread
<cron name='cron' thread='1' />
//auth stuff
<node name='auth'>
//token data should be in a place that is not shared by another vfs path (make sure there's no overlap with another VFS_HD, for instance)
<hd name='tokens' path='@cwd@/../../data/main/sessions' thread='1' />
//auth types
<nopasswd name='nopasswdauth' nopasswordfile='@cwd@/../../data/main/settings/@vfscwd@/nopasswd' thread='1' />
<passwd name='passwdauth' passwordfile='@cwd@/../../data/main/settings/@vfscwd@/passwd' thread='1' />
<pam name='pamauth' service='@pam_service@' group='staff' thread='1' />
//ACL entries
<acl name='ACL' path='settings/@vfscwd@/master.acl' default='true' superadmin='@superadmin@' />
//session manager for connected users... sessions will timeout after 30 days
//token data and userdata are VFS paths
<sessions name='sessions' userdata='home' tokendata='services/auth/tokens' ttl='60*24*30' developerGroup='admin' thread='1' />
//websocket server for all connections
<remotoserver name='remotoserver' port='@websocketPort@+0' auth='services/auth/pamauth' sessions='services/sessions' thread='1' ssl='@wsUseSSL@' sslCert='@wsSslCertPath@'>
//httpd server for checking current state of things
<httpd_browser name='browser' port='@websocketPort@+2' path='/' thread='1' ssl='@wsUseSSL@' sslCert='@wsSslCertPath@' sslKey='@wsSslKeyPath@'/>
<node name='applications'>
<clock name='clock'/>
<codeEditor name='IDE' src='@approot@/../' thread='1'/>
<include path='modules/renderermanager.xml' portstart='@portstart@' dataroot='@dataroot@/renderer' />
<include path='modules/nuke.xml' gui='1' projectsroot='@dataroot@/nuke' commandportstart='@portstart@+11' />