Remoto - VFS: Installation
Remoto - VFS

The common installation will include a VFS server and an http(s) server. The few pages served by http will send enough information to a browser to initiate a websocket connection to the VFS and get things going.

The VFS server component will want to run somewhere that is accessible to the address mentioned in the index.html file. An http server (nginx, apache) will need to serve those root elements, and the rest is encapsulated by the VFS server.

If you are using a C# Client (Unity) or a Python Client, there is no need for a web server.

A basic installation using http/javascript:

  • Pull down the VFS_server source, and use the Server Installation instructions to build it.
  • Pull down the VFS_client_javascript source (The Javascript Client), .
  • An easy configuration is to create an additional folder in your working directory, and softlink everything except index.html in that directory to the client folder. Then, copy index.html to that folder and make changes as needed. This requires your webserver to follow simlinks, but allows you to change index.html as you like without making changes to the javascript repository.

These subpages explain the installation and usage process: