Remoto - VFS: Todo List
Remoto - VFS
Todo List
Page Clients
Document how to create a client, perhaps as an example... I want to make a client for language X, how do I do it?
Member cpuUsage::getREQSample (quint64 t)
Debug VFS_request and why it doesn't always return to 0 instances, which implies a memory leak
Class date
complete the date object documentation
Class formLoader
Needs to be merged with formList::formLoader
Page Installation
Class nodePropertiesLoader
Needs to be merged with formListEditor::nodePropertiesLoader
Class paneManager
remove _primaryCell and _currentPane and _singlePane* and _nonSingleLayout
Page Proxy Paths
Page Themes For The Javascript Client
provide more example code and a deeper explanation of the uses for the colors
Page Users and Accounts
lots to add here, and describe how alternative authentication methods can be created, especially two-factor auth and SSO
Member VFS_auth::executeRequest (VFS_request *t)
write() will be added in the future to support the ability to change or add user information.
Class VFS_cron

multiple crontime entries with the same name, methods and testing

incorporate UTC offset which doesn't currently exist, despite documentation

Member VFS_form::applyDiff (QJsonObject diff, bool useAttributes=false)
This needs more debugging. Depending on input, the form can be munged into a bad state.
Member VFS_form::setValue (QString var, QJsonValue val)
This needs more debugging. Depending on input, the form can be munged into a bad state.
Member VFS_HD::read (VFS_request *r)
Revise raw HD documentation
Member VFS_HD::write (VFS_request *r)
explain metadata options here
Member VFS_mongo::ls (VFS_request *r)
Use an aggregator for listing directory contents. For instance, listing the root of a collection will query and return the whole collection and waste a lot of resources.
Member VFS_node::subscribe (VFS_request *r)
Create circular subscription check for VFS_node
Member VFS_remotoserver_client::_parameters
This is a weak implementation, as it requires casting pointers. Create a more comprehensive solution here.
Member VFS_remotoserver_client::_sourcePathMap
This should be fixed and removed, because VFS_request::_initialPath is now available, which should do the trick
Member VFS_remotoserver_client::receive (QByteArray data)
Modify the submit/write submit syntax to include metadata, like ls()
Member VFS_sessionManager::VFS_sessionManager (QString cwd, QString userdata, qint64 ttl, QString tokendata="", QString developerGroup="", double pruneProbability=0.1)
Class VFS_tcp_server
Add SSL options
Member VFS_tcp_server::newConnection (VFS_tcp_client *c)
This method should perform some form of authorization on the new client
Class VFS_udp_socket
Add SSL options
Member VFS_websocket_server::authenticate (VFS_websocket_client *client, QJsonObject credentials)
Add case where no auth paths are provided, which would mean that all connection attempts are authenticated.
Member widget::applyOptions ()
Add support for other options to be applied dynamically
Page XML Config File(s)
config files... much more here... add documentation for logLevel, monitor, version