| videoPane (layout) |
| videoPane constructor More...
| applyDiff (diff, user) |
| applySettings (settings) |
| applySubscription (data, metadata) |
| attached () |
| buildChapters (chapters, chapter) |
| createHTML () |
| destroy () |
| detach () |
| playChange (e) |
| videoEnded () |
| videoLoaded () |
| videoLoadError () |
| volumeChange (e) |
| pane (layout, object) |
| activate () |
| DOCME. More...
| applyDiff (data, user) |
| applyReleaseLock (data) |
| applyRequestError (command, id, reason) |
| applyRequestLock (data) |
| applyRequestSuccess (command, id, data, metadata) |
| applySettings (settings) |
| applySubscription (data, metadata) |
| area () |
| attach () |
| Provides an opportunity for a pane to pass an attach command to its object. More...
| attached () |
| Detects is this pane is attached to the DOM. More...
| createHTML () |
| deactivate () |
| If a deactivate method is present on this pane's _object, call it. More...
| destroy () |
| DOCME. More...
| detach () |
| Detach this._html and call this._object.detach() . More...
| find (p, type) |
| hasHelp () |
| mounted (mountState) |
| Notify this pane that the mounted state has changed. More...
| rename (name) |
| resize () |
| DOCME. More...
| saveLayout () |
| Build the layout for this pane. More...
| triggerCurrentPane () |
| DOCME. More...
getter | help |
| A getter that will return a pane object's help message, or a default message indicating that no help is available. More...
getter | paneType |
| A getter which will calculate the pane type based on the _object, or return the default "pane". More...
The videoPane will create a <video> tag and manage its settings.
The videoPane accepts no options. All options are provided by the data file (usually .vid) being viewed.
A video data file (ie, .vid) can contain:
- play: (boolean) play state
- volume: (float) 1-0 volume level
- muted: (boolean) mute state
- loop: (boolean) video loops?
- restart: (trigger) can be sent to force a video to go to time 0
- feedback: (boolean) a player can choose to not report its state back to the video state file
- chapter: (json object) contains { options:{ options:[] }, value:v } for identifying chapter states
- src: (object) { mime:url, mime2:url2, ... } a list of urls to mime versions of a video
- [other]: (various) any other attribute to place on the video tag, for instance "controls" or "poster"