Remoto - VFS: Forms and Form Fields
Remoto - VFS
Forms and Form Fields

A form is a collection of fields. More...


class  booleanWidget
 A checkbox/boolean widget. More...
class  boolField
 The boolField class adds a toggle-able checkbox to a form. More...
class  breakField
 The breakField class adds a space to a form field. Useful for visually separating groups of fields. More...
class  breakWidget
class  buttonField
 The buttonField class adds a button to a form. More...
class  buttonWidget
class  colorField
 The colorField class adds a color selector to a form. More...
class  colorWidget
 A form widget for selecting an RGB color. More...
class  dateTimeField
 The dateTimeField provides a field for selecting dates and times. More...
class  datetimeWidget
 A form widget for selecting a date and time. More...
class  emailField
 The emailField class. More...
class  eulerField
 The eulerField class adds 3-double numberField objects to a groupField for representing Euler angles in radians or degrees. More...
class  fileSelectField
 The fileSelectField class adds a file selector to a form. More...
class  fileSelectWidget
class  fileUploadWidget
 A file upload field. More...
class  form
 Form renderer. More...
class  formListEditor
class  formLoader
class  groupField
 The groupField class adds a field group to a form. More...
class  groupWidget
 A grouping widget which will put child widgets in a row instead of the normal form column. More...
class  headerField
 The headerField class. More...
class  headerWidget
class  hiddenWidget
class  labelField
 The labelField class. More...
class  labelWidget
 Creates a widget for information only. More...
class  listingWidget
class  metadataField
 The metadataField provides a multi-row name:value pair widget. More...
class  metadataWidget
class  nodeProperties
class  nodePropertiesLoader
 Load a form from the VFS, including any base form references. More...
class  numberField
 The numberField class can provide a field with up/down arrows and an optional stepped range slider. More...
class  numberWidget
 The numberWidget is a form field for numerical input. More...
class  phoneField
 The phoneField class. More...
class  progressField
 The progressField class provides a field representing percent progress. More...
class  progressWidget
 A form widget for viewing progress. More...
class  selectField
 A selectField provides a pull-down list of options for a user. More...
class  selectWidget
 A pull-down select widget. More...
class  textareaField
 The textareaField provides an editable multi-line textarea. More...
class  textareaWidget
 A textarea widget for multi-line input. More...
class  textField
 The textField class. More...
class  urlField
 The urlField class. More...
class  vector3Field
 The vector3Field class adds 3-double numberField objects to a groupField. More...
class  widget
 Base class for GUI form widgets. More...

Detailed Description

A form is a collection of fields.

Forms can be rendered to a user interface, used for internal node storage, stored to a file, used in diff operations, etc.

All form fields inherit from widget.

See also
Javascript Libraries