Remoto - VFS: rutils.h File Reference
Remoto - VFS
rutils.h File Reference
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QByteArray>

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 Utility functions for VFS operations.


QString rutils::cleanPath (QString path)
 Clean and normalize a VFS path. More...
QJsonObject rutils::decodeBase64Path (QByteArray p, bool *ok)
 Decode a base64 string as a JSON object. More...
QByteArray rutils::encodeBase64Path (QJsonObject p)
 Encode a JSON object as a base64 string. More...
QStringList rutils::exec (QString command, bool *ok=nullptr)
 execute a command in a shell, and return the resulting output as a QStringList More...
QStringList rutils::expandSequence (QString sequence)
 Expand a sequence-notated list into a list of numbers. More...
QStringList rutils::expandSequenceListing (QString sequence)
 Expand a sequence-notated string into a list of names. More...
QJsonObject rutils::jsonResource (QString resource, bool *ok=nullptr)
 Fetch the contents of a Qt resource as a QJsonObject. More...
QJsonValue rutils::parseSequenceSyntax (QString path)
 Check if a path or string matches our syntax for file sequences. More...
QByteArray rutils::resourceContents (QString resource, bool *ok=nullptr, bool squashHash=false)
 Fetch the contents of a Qt resource file. More...
QJsonObject rutils::sequenceListing (QJsonObject l, QStringList types=sequenceTypes)
 Given a list of filenames and a regex list, collapse the listing to sequences when possible. More...
QString rutils::unescapeXMLAttribute (QString attribute)
 Un-escape an XML attribute. More...


QStringList rutils::sequenceTypes = QStringList() << "jpe?g" << "tif?f" << "exr" << "png" << "dpx"
 A list of regular expressions which can represent image or file sequences. More...